Having straight teeth is not just about the way our smile looks, it is part
of a healthy mouth which is the entryway to the rest of your body. By
correctly aligning your teeth and jaw, I can help your teeth and
jaw function more properly reducing excessive wear on your teeth and
strengthen the bone and gum structure that support your teeth. Well
aligned teeth trap fewer particles and bacteria in between your teeth
helping to deter cavity and plaque growth. Straight and healthy teeth also
produce stronger and healthier gums.
I am also concerned with teeth that do not occlude or "close"
properly as this also impairs the function of teeth. Many dental problems
can result from misalignment of teeth which causes excess stress and force
on surrounding teeth. The position of your teeth plays a major role in the
ability to pronounce certain sounds correctly.
Lastly, there are more enzymes in your mouth than in your stomach. The
enzymes in your mouth and your ability to chew/break down food correctly,
contribute to a healthier digestion process and a healthier you. Straight
teeth are a huge factor in breaking up your food more precisely, so your
body can process your food more efficiently.
Overall, straight teeth are easier to brush and floss and require less
strain on your oral cavity.
So don't just smile because you feel good about how you look, smile even
wider, because you've invested in your overall health and how you feel!
WOW! I didn't know this. Thanks!