Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Inside your mouth there is a battle happening, Muscle vs Bone. Who will win? Your tongue is made up of 16 different muscles, which means there is a lot going on in a small space, and your tongue has the ability to move your teeth. When your tongue is not functioning the way it was designed, you have a problem. Have you ever heard the term Tongue Thrust? Did you go through Orthodontics and your teeth are crooked again? A Tongue Thrust means that your tongue is pushing against your teeth when you are in a rest position or when you swallow. If your tongue is functioning properly you should not be putting any pressure on your teeth. So what happens if you do have a Tongue Thrust? There is a very successful therapy that can correct this issue for life. Therapy involves not only strengthening the muscles in your tongue, lips, face and neck, but also creates a new and correct habit for your tongue. If the Tongue Thrust is ignored it will only continue to get worse and create more problems, such as failed orthodontics. If you think this may be an issue for you or someone you know, contact Dr. Nelson’s office for an appointment, or call Front Range Orofacial Myology for an absolutely free consultation. The tongue will always win, he is the “King”.

Front Range Orofacial Myology
Julie Peterson

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